
Celebrate National STEM/STEAM Day on November 8

National STEM/STEAM Day is an unofficial holiday that celebrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics education in the United States. Since many career fields use these skills, this day seeks to encourage youth interest in these topics. Here are some ways to celebrate this day with your young learners:

  • Create art for the NASA Langley Student Art Contest! Entries are accepted from students in grades K-12 between December 1 and 31, 2022. Draw, paint, or digitally design what’s next in science, aeronautics, and exploration! Visit the NASA Langley Student Art Contest website to get ideas. Artwork is submitted digitally, so you can use Spokane Public Library’s scanners or take a digital photo of your artwork.
  • Inspire your budding engineer by creating challenges with simple household items. Here are a few ideas:
    • Build a tower with a set number of marshmallows, fruit snacks, and toothpicks. Explore which shapes allow you to make a successful structure.
    • Make a marble maze using LEGO© bricks and your biggest base plate.
    • Design boats using only a certain amount of aluminum foil. Fill a tub or sink to float them. Next, see how many pennies it takes to sink the boats. Which boat held the most pennies? Problem-solve your boat designs to hold more pennies.
    • For more engineering challenges, check out these books from Spokane Public Library.

Cathy Bakken, STEM Specialist, Spokane Public Library