artists-in-residence David Jacobs & Justus Brozek

David and Justus are sharing a studio but each working on their own projects. 

David, a self-educated artist, creates sculpture, jewelry and “Instant Artifacts” from scrap metal, wood, and glass. He enjoys the alchemy when imagination, story and phyiscal objects come together, making something (of meaning) out of nothing. He looks forward to experimenting with painting, mask making, paper mache.

Justus is a printmaker and practices all types of printmaking. He remarks that, “I was once told by an old potter that I was the lucky kind of guy who could fit his life’s work in a closet. I have never been more appreciative of being a printmaker!” His prints range from geometric to narrative and everything in between.

They will both be at The Hive through September, 2024.