When you get a library card, you are the author of your own story. Check out books and movies, find information on any topic, reserve meeting rooms, and more. 


Your library card is an all-access pass to books, movies, music, things, information, and much more. Spokane residents may get a free library card to access everything the Library has to offer.


Free library cards are available to all residents or property owners in the City of Spokane or in the Spokane County Library District service area. For those who do not live within city limits and/or do not have property within city limits, including those outside the county or living in Liberty Lake, a card may be purchased for $42 per year or $3.50 per month (per card).

Through a reciprocal agreement with the Spokane County Library District (SCLD), residents of their service area may obtain a free Spokane Public Library card, and vice versa. Subscription database access and interlibrary loans are not included with free reciprocal cards. For those who do not live within city limits and/or do not have property within city limits, including those outside the county and in Liberty Lake, a card may be purchased for $42 per year or $3.50 per month (per card). In addition to all in-library services, this fee includes full borrowing privileges, in-library internet access, and remote access to subscription databases. It does not include interlibrary loan services. See Fees & Services to Non-Residents Policy for more information.

Apply for a card online at home or at the Library. To activate your card, please bring photo ID to the library of your choice. This can include current Washington State ID, current Washington state driver’s license, or any other form of official photo ID. All records relating to your library card registration are kept confidential. Library cards are not mailed to you. Please come to the library to pick up a library card.

If you lose your card, please call us immediately at (509)444-5300 to block your card as you are financially responsible for items checked out under your account. There is no card replacement fee.

You create a PIN when you get your library card. This unique, 4-digit number of your choosing allows you to: check your account, renew any items which are eligible for renewal, place holds on Library materials, and use Library computers.

  • Books, CDs, DVDs, & Magazines | 500 Items (at one time)
  • Library of Things Items | 2 Items (at one time)
  • OverDrive/Libby Media | 20 Items (at one time)
  • Kanopy Films | 8 Items (monthly)
  • hoopla Media | 6 Items (monthly)

  • 3 Weeks | Books, audiobooks on disc, CDs, magazines, downloadable titles (eBooks, audiobooks, comics), and Lucky Day titles
  • 1 Week | All DVDs
  • Other | Kanopy movies (2 days), hoopla movies (3 days), hoopla CDs (7 days)

You may renew most items three times if there are no outstanding requests for the item. Interlibrary loan items, Lucky Day titles, and some Library of Things items are not renewable. You may renew an item online with your library card and PIN or call (509)444-5300 to access our automated phone renewal system.

The Library no longer charges overdue fines. We will notify you via email of your due dates and overdue items. If items are not returned by 14 days after the due date, they will be consideredlost and you will be charged for the items. Your first overdue notice will remind you what items you have overdue. Your second notice will show the items plus the replacement costs and processing fees for the items if not returned. Once the item has been returned, the replacement cost and processing fee will be removed from your account.

Items that are overdue by 14 days or more will be considered lost and you will be billed for the replacement cost and processing fee. Your account will be blocked if the balance owed reaches or exceeds $50. If the balance is below $50, your account retains full privileges. If you return the lost items, the fee will be automatically cleared from your account. Accounts will be referred to the library’s collections agency 30 days past the last billing notice if the total bill for the account is more than $75. A referral fee is assessed on accounts referred to collections. If you pay for an item that is found and returned within 90 days of payment, you are eligible for a refund of the item cost (the processing fee is non-refundable as it covers staff time and materials). If the item is found after 90 days of payment, the item is yours to keep. If your account is referred to a collection agency, you receive notices directly from the agency. The charges may be paid at any Spokane Public Library. See Uncollectible Patron Accounts Policy. You will be charged for any library materials you return with damages. Individual assessment is made for each item at the time of return and your account is charged repair or replacement costs depending upon the extent of the damage. Materials with multiple parts or in cases must be returned complete. A replacement charge will be assessed if missing pieces are not returned promptly.

Log into My Account. Browse the catalog and click “Request” on an item. Choose your pickup location. You may place a hold on up to 80 physical items and 20 OverDrive titles. Reference materials may not be put on hold. Items are not available for pick up immediately after placing a hold. You will be notified by email or phone when your hold becomes available to pick up. It will be held for 5 days from the day a notification is sent out.

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