Leadership & Board of Trustees

“Libraries are an entry point for all citizens to get where they want to be, whether it’s professionally, personally, or culturally. We need to keep libraries healthy if we want Spokane to be a vibrant community.” – Mary Starkey, former Board of Trustees member


Spokane Public Library is a quasi-department of the City of Spokane. Each year, the City allocates a portion of the general fund to the Library Board of Trustees, a group of five citizen volunteers who oversee the administration of the Library. The Board charges responsibility for library administration to the Library Executive Director.


Board of Trustee meetings are held monthly and are open to the public. Meetings occur at 4:30pm on the third Tuesday of the month. Meeting agendas are posted 24 hours prior to the meeting. Watch the live stream at the button below.

Next Meeting Notice and Agenda January 21

Special Meeting January 22


You may email the Board of Trustees at:


Andrew Chanse, Executive Director
Andrew Chanse has served as the Executive Director of the Spokane Public Library since 2013. Andrew has over 20 years of experience working with libraries and the communities they serve. He also serves on the Library Council for Washington State representing underserved populations and the Board of Trustees for Humanities Washington. Contact Andrew at director@spokanelibrary.org

Gary Stokes, Chair
The Philadelphia-native recalls his mother taking him to the library to check out stacks of books—so many that the librarian eventually increased the quantity of books he could check out at a time. “For a lot of kids, particularly those living in urban areas, the library was a great way to find out more about the world at large,” he told The Spokesman-Review in December 2022. Gary is the President & General Manager of KSPS-TV with more than 40 years of television experience. His roles have included on-air reporter, producer, executive producer, news director and General Manager, spanning almost every part of the country. He is actively involved in his community, serving on the Greater Spokane Incorporated Board of Directors, the Innovia Community Foundation, and the MultiCare Inland Northwest Hospital Board of Directors. He also served two terms as a gubernatorial appointee to the Humanities Washington Board of Directors. He is a Past President of Downtown Spokane Rotary 21 and was named Rotarian of the Year for 2021. His hobbies include bowling, golf, snowshoeing, running half-marathons…and watching television.
Appointed: 12/12/2022; First Term expires: 3/31/2027

Shelby Lambdin, Vice-Chair
Libraries have been important to Shelby through each stage of her life, with fond memories at the South Hill Library when she was younger, to long hours spent at the Mansfield Library at University of Montana, to now enjoying the library as a staple and resource both personally and professionally. Shelby is the Health Equity Director at CHAS Health and views the public libraries as a crucial resource to patients and community members. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time outside skiing, hiking and biking; one of the few indoor activities that she enjoys is reading.
Appointed: 1/23/2023; First Term expires: 3/31/2026

Lara Hemingway
For as long as she can remember, Lara Hemingway has been thankful for the resources and information libraries have to offer. From story time at the Library and at home to audiobooks to the variety of online materials and subscriptions, her family utilizes Spokane Library services on a regular basis. She is excited to participate in planning and promoting the Library’s continued development as a 21st Century community resource. Lara also represents business clients at her own firm, Hemingway Law, and serves as an independent director on private company boards.  Outside of work endeavors, she enjoys playing music with her family.
Appointed: 3/7/2016; Second Term expires: 3/31/2025

Danielle DeJaegher
Danielle DeJaegher, a midwest native, has made Spokane home with her family since 2019. After completing her B.S. at the University of Illinois she headed to Missoula for her M.A at the University of Montana where she fell in love with the Inland Northwest. Known to always be reading at least two books at any time and ever on the hunt for community offerings, Dani is an avid supporter, patron, and all around lover of the library. She feels passionate about the deep value that libraries bring to communities. She is thrilled to apply that passion and support as a board member, doing all she can to further the success and offerings of Spokane’s Public Libraries.
Appointed: 4/1/2023; First Term expires: 3/31/2028

Mari Margil
Mari Margil has loved books and libraries all of her life. She is the Executive Director of the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights, and volunteers with the Washington State Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association.  Mari received her Master’s degree from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, and is a co-author of The Bottom Line or Public Health (Oxford University Press, 2010) and Exploring Wild Law: The Philosophy of Earth Jurisprudence (Wakefield Press, 2011). 
Appointed: 4/1/2024; First Term expires: 3/31/2029


Upcoming Board of Trustee Meetings