In honor of Pride Month, learn more about the history of our diverse communities in Spokane through the Inland Northwest’s first LGTBQIA2S+ newspaper—Stonewall News. First published by Larry Stone in 1992 during the height of the AIDs epidemic, and at a time when Washington State laws did not protect people from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, the newspaper was a much needed forum for raising awareness and providing a sense of community. John Deen took over as publisher in 1995 and renamed the publication Stonewall News Northwest.
While the newspaper ceased publication in 2007, during its 15-year run, it served as an important platform for championing equality and highlighting social and political events in Spokane and the region. As one reader and contributor articulated, “It was the voice we didn’t have.”
Visit the Inland Northwest Special Collections to view archived copies of Stonewall News and learn more about our local history.