Access to information is an integral part of the library’s mission. Gale partners with libraries around the world to empower the discovery of knowledge. Through Washington State Library, you can now access a variety of different Gale OneFile databases specializing in a variety of topics like culinary arts, diversity studies, home improvement, and so many more.
Gale Presents Udemy is also an awesome resources for people wanting to learn new skills! There are thousands of online courses with instructors and practice materials in a variety of different languages.
Check out all the OneFile databases Gale offers here, but here are a few we wanted to highlight!
- Gale Health and Wellness
- Search a full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to alternative medical practices.
- Gale OneFile: Agriculture
- Access current and authoritative periodical content covering agriculture and its related fields.
- Gale OneFile: Communications and Mass Communication
- Search millions of articles covering all aspects of communications, including advertising, public relations, and more.
- Gale OneFile: Computer Science
- Access leading business and technical publications in the computer, telecommunications, and electronics industries.
- Gale OneFile: Gardening and Horticulture
- Find millions of articles on the practical and scientific aspects of horticulture studies. For all horticultural enthusiasts.
- Gale OneFile: Gender Studies
- Discover balanced coverage of topics related to gender studies, family and marital issues, and more.
- Gale OneFile: Home Improvement
- Search home improvement topics such as architectural techniques, tool and material selection, zoning requirements, and more.
- Gale Insurance and Liability
- Discover information about physical and intellectual asset protection, from individuals to multinational corporations.
- Gale OneFile: Military and Intelligence
- Search scholarly journals, magazines, and reports covering all aspects of past and present military affairs.
- Gale OneFile: Vocations and Careers
- Research a vocation, find an appropriate institution of learning, and get assistance on job searches and maintaining a career.